528 Masks

This installation of photos began August 1, 2021 when I noticed discarded masks appearing on the ground.
They had been there awhile.
Covid made them seem almost normal; these facial prophylactics.
They saved us from or postponed for us the fate of more than a million Americans.
I began to take their portraits; to see them in their variety; to watch their decay.
I looked hard at the places they fell; the sometimes playful matter of their disposal;
the companions that rot with them in gardens and gutters.
I continue to note them as a memorial, as they dwindled into disuse;
a memorial of a time when the gasps of the dying were downed in the whines of the inconvenienced
And the very idea of public health lay crumpled and decaying in the streets of America..


The cube above has 8 rows, 11 columns, and 6 sides.
There are 528 masks in the cube above. You can count them if you like.
You can spin it around and double check my numbers.
If you pick any mask it might fill your screen and you can flip through them.
This will also let you “Like,” Comment, Share and…
See the exactly location of the mask in question on Google Maps.
If you see any doubles let me know.

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